Self-Managed Super

Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) have the ability to offer greater flexibility and control compared to public offer retail or industry super funds. By establishing your own self-managed super fund, you can also take advantage of the tax-effective superannuation environment.

For these reasons, more and more people are attracted to the benefits of managing their own fund. Managing, preserving and increasing wealth through knowledge is an integral part of reaching your financial and lifestyle goals.

By working in partnership with you, we strive to understand your goals for current and future generations. We can advise on the suitability of a Self-Managed

Super Fund, and develop dynamic and personalised advice that’s just right for you.


  • Control to make decisions regarding how and
  • Where your funds are invested
  • Large investment choice including the ability to
  • Invest directly into shares, bonds, property, cash
  • Can be more cost effective for large accounts
  • Family and estate planning benefits
  • Flexibility to alter your investment strategy